Angela Gabrielle Fabunan is the author of the full-length poetry collection, Young Enough to Play (University of the Philippines Press 2022). She was born in the Philippines and raised in the US. She has attained a BA in English and American Literature from Bowdoin College (Maine, USA), and an MA in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines Diliman (Manila, Philippines). She has been a recipient of the Rutan Grant (Theater 2010) as well as the Gibbons Research Fellowship (2011). She attended the Silliman University National Writers’ Workshop (Fellow for Poetry 2015). She was the recipient of the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards (3rd Prize for Poetry 2016). Her poetry has been published in Cordite, Asian Cha, Anti-Heroin Chic, Asymptote, Ghost City, Rough Cut Press, Good Life Review, Indianapolis Review, and is forthcoming from Salt Hill Journal. Her first poetry chapbook, The Sea That Beckoned, now out-of-print, was formerly published Platypus Press, in England (2019). She is currently a poetry mentor for AWP's Writer-to-Writer Mentorship Program Season 20, and a literary reader on the masthead of Palette Poetry. She teaches Creative Writing at the Department of English and Literature at Silliman University. She lives with her husband in a small house in a beach town.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

- Anïas Nin


‘Young Enough to Play’: Confessional poetry that recalls women’s experiences

Many poets are not recognized — except when their works are selected as assigned readings in English class. And only a few of them are female poets.

The literary circle is not “user friendly,” as they say, especially for women who are always on the outside looking in.

To fit in, they must act like one of the boys and follow the rules. Women poets such as Angela Manalang Gloria from the Philippines, Louise Glück, and my personal favorite, Sylvia Plath (both from the US) spoke of women’s lived e

Should We Cancel Romantic Studies?

A Review of the British Association of Romantic Studies (BARS) Postgraduate and Early Career Conference, Romantic Futurities, 12-13 June 2020

Based on the intellectual, emotional, and technological thrill of this weekend’s BARS PG/ECR conference, the obvious answer is no! But the event, in all its excitement, innovation, and provocation, is also the reason why I ask the question, and want to linger with it for a while.

First of all, I should say: many congratulations to the organisers of the c

Invocations to the Poets

What if there somewhere you could just break all the rules and let your imagination fly freely, like dust in the wind? What if there is a way to break free from the chains that pin you to the ground, to escape into a world where you could vent out your feelings without worrying about anyone stopping you?

Creative writing can transport one to such a world, as expressed by five talented individuals whose passion, talent, and journey in creative writing will be seen and shared in this story.


Angela Gabrielle Fabunan : part one

graduated from Bowdoin College and attends the University of the Philippines MA Creative Writing Program. In 2016, she was awarded the Carlos Palanca Memorial Foundation Awards for Poetry. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from, and, among others. She is one of the current poetry editors at I. Her first book of poetry,, is available from Platypus Press.I was very fortunate to have an ally and a mother figure in my third-grade teacher Mrs. Lippman, during my first year in the U.S. She ha


Angela Gabrielle Fabunan was ‘born in the Philippines and raised in New York City’. Always interested in place and belonging, I wondered how strong the pull from the past can be, the tug from original roots.

A rhythm flows through these poems from beginning to end, through different forms and patterns created by the poet’s use of white space, often within lines. Her rhythmic voice shares memories, images, thoughts and places while exploring questions of belonging, identity, and home.

I keep re


of the fans, the bulk

trying to hide your newness,

They don’t know your reasons,

have yet to attach

a name to your shirt—

they haven’t yet begun the process

but they will.

with blackboards by now,

how it can be reversed with

You know, in your dress

that you will never quite

the shrub of pink roses outside.

and as the day becomes clearer,

The thought of shapes on paper:

the new word you learned today,

almost like sip-sip, a little like pera,

the beginning et holding it together,

Making It New

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan ’11 is in a master’s writing program at the University of the Philippines. Her first poetry collection, The Sea That Beckoned , was recently published by Platypus Press.

Did you grow up in the Philippines? Tell us a little about your path to Bowdoin. I was born in provincial Philippines and lived there until I was eight years old. I moved to New York City in the third grade and stayed there until I left for Bowdoin. In 2012, I moved back to the Philippines, moved to Man

Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Angela Gabrielle Fabunan

I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.

The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.

was raised in New York City and lives in Manila. She curren

"The Sea That Beckoned" by Filipina Poet Angela Gabrielle Fabunan

Immigration is now a controversial topic, whether it’s regarding the legality to which groups are “allowed” or “welcome.” The Sea That Beckoned by poet Angela Gabrielle Fabunan illustrates her personal experience immigrating from the Philippines to New York, USA as she learns more about her new culture and herself as well.

Sharing this narrative is vital in illustrating this particular struggle to anti-immigration audiences, especially when so much time and sacrifice is asked of immigrants. Thi

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan

“Creativity stems from the flux of something in the middle between the input and the output. Once you reside in the middle of that, focus on what you want, and own it. It’s yours.”

The opening poem, “First Day,” suggests fear and hope and loneliness, which seem to be recurring themes in the book. Could you say a bit about your choice to start with this poem?

I start with this poem because it is a good starting point which the rest of the collection jumps into, namely belonging and what I call

Interview with Angela Gabrielle Fabunan

Joanna Cleary: Thanks so much for your willingness to have a conversation about your writing with us and congratulations on the publication of your most recent collection of poems: The Sea that Beckoned. According to the book’s description, these poems are “an exploration of all those places we’ve sought to call home.” Could you elaborate on that?

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan: I’ve always yearned for a home. My childhood spent in the Philippines did not feel like home because my mom and dad were al


Which country is Mother? Which country caverns me? It only takes language to assimilate — our accent differing from town to town. Please make your voice heard so they can understand you.

– from “Fair Game”

While power lies in the words we speak, it’s the presentation of language that draws the listener; unfortunately, for too many, if you’re not speaking in yur standard ‘merican English it’s heard, but there’s no listening.

There are so many forgotten voices. So many sentences stifled by tho

In Review: The Sea That Beckoned

The Sea That Beckoned by Angela Gabrielle Fabunan. Platypus Press (2019, 48 pages). $13, paperback.

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan’s debut, The Sea That Beckoned, is a meditation—no, that’s too sedate—a fixation on the many ways one (especially one who migrates) looks for home—in the place one was born, in a new land, in memory, in language, in each other—and the many ways it is lost. But more than that, this is a book about the self, and how conceptions of home define, complicate, or even threaten t

The Palanca Poetry-in-English winners

Fellow poets Dinah Roma, Ramil Digal Gulle and I had our first meeting as judges for the Poetry in English category in this year’s Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature at fittingly enough Poetry & Prose Patisserie at Shangri-La Plaza mall.

Over a superb lunch with Nemie Bermejo of the Palanca Foundation, we compared our initial shortlists culled from the 95 entries. We averaged about seven or eight in our individual shortlists. We agreed to reevaluate entries that didn’t appear in the